1. Establishment of Astellas’ Human Rights Statement
The Astellas Charter of Corporate Conduct and the Astellas Group Code of Conduct clearly state that members of the Astellas Group shall respect human rights and the personality and individuality of all its employees, observe all applicable international rules and local regulations, and embrace all cultures and customs. The recognition of the importance of respecting human rights is shared by Group companies worldwide.
Astellas has disclosed its Position on Human Rights since April 2017. Wherever we operate, Astellas complies with applicable local labor and employment laws and respects internationally-recognized basic human rights and labor standards, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), and the International Labour Organization's (ILO's) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Our Position on Human Rights is revised as necessary to reflect changes in both external and internal environments, and is communicated to all employees.
Policies & Position Statements | Astellas Pharma Inc.
2. Governance Structure
Astellas has established the Sustainability Advisory Panel, and Environment, Social and Governance Working Group (E・S・G Working Group) led by the Sustainability division and consisting of cross-functional team members. These internal organizations promote activities that contribute to sustainability for all departments from a long-term, strategic and groupwide perspective.
Initiatives and issues concerning human rights are to be discussed at the internal Human Rights Sub-Working Group, part of the Social Working Group, and to be addressed in collaboration with relevant divisions in an appropriate manner.
Astellas’ Sustainability Governance | Astellas Pharma Inc.
3. Our initiatives
To address the expectations from society, Astellas comprehensively conducts the initiatives for respecting the human rights in line with internationally-recognized basic human rights and labor standards.
I. Identification of Human Rights Issues
Astellas conducts human rights impact assessments periodically in response to changes in internal and external environments. In a human rights impact assessment, Astellas analyzes the current status of our human rights initiatives and governance by interviewing relevant divisions, with the cooperation of external specialist organizations. As a result of these assessments, Astellas has identified human rights issues for rights holders (individuals or social groups who are likely to face the human rights issues) related to Astellas operations by using the evaluation criteria (salience and likelihood).
Astellas has identified five human rights that deserve special attention. We are continuously working to prevent and reduce adverse impact on human rights through the following activities based on our commitment.
- Access to Health
Advances continue to be made in technology and medicine that address unmet medical needs. However, there still remain barriers for many people who have difficulty accessing the healthcare they need due to a lack of available treatments, poverty, healthcare system challenges and insufficient healthcare information. Pharmaceutical companies like Astellas can play a role in contributing toward improving the health of people by expanding access to health. To this end, we are working on a range of initiatives including: aiming to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, combating diseases which have been commercially neglected, preventing and controlling non-communicable diseases, and supporting technology transfer.
Access to Health:Our Initiatives | Astellas Pharma Inc.
- Human rights in clinical trials and other research and development activities
Astellas is committed to maintaining the highest scientific and ethical standards in our pharmaceutical research and development. We comply with internationally-accepted standards for non-clinical and clinical research, including the International Council for Harmonization Guidelines and the ethical principles articulated in the Declaration of Helsinki, as well as applicable laws, regulations and industry codes.
In our clinical trials (including post marketing clinical trials), we put the health and safety of trial subjects first, ensuring the respect and protection of their human rights, including rights to dignity, self-determination, privacy and confidentiality of personal information. We obtain appropriate informed consent from everyone taking part in Astellas-sponsored clinical trials.
Clinical Development Initiatives | Astellas Pharma Inc.
- Product safety and counterfeit drugs
Astellas is committed to ensuring an uninterrupted supply of high-quality products for our patients around the world. We maintain strict product quality standards and a robust supply chain across the world to ensure the efficacy, safety and supply of our products. Our efforts toward patient safety also include implementing appropriate measures against medical errors and drug counterfeiting.
In recognition of the fact that the safety profile of products can continue evolving post marketing, we are also dedicated to monitoring the safety of our products continuously throughout their lifecycles, according to applicable laws, regulations and industrial codes, such as the Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP). We collect, evaluate, and timely report product safety information to health authorities around the world in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Technological Development and Production Initiatives | Astellas Pharma Inc.
- Human rights in the workplace
Employees are a core of our operations, as they enable all we do and are the driving force to realize our mission. Astellas respects the human rights of our employees, including the rights to non-discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, freedom from forced labor and privacy. In addition, we work to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and provide a safe and rewarding work environment for our employees. We promote respect for these rights in our business partners.
Engagement and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Astellas Pharma Inc.
- Human rights in the community and environment
Astellas respects the human rights of our neighbors in areas where we operate or have business office and facilities. We continuously monitor and address the environmental impacts of our business operations on our neighbors.
II. Education and training regarding respect for human rights
Astellas believes that it is important to establish the concept of respect for human rights based on our position on human rights within our a corporate culture. To operate our business with respect for human rights, Astellas is implementing the following initiatives;
- Conducting human rights-themed training to enhance employees' knowledge of human rights
- Distributing a corporate-wide message on Human Rights Day (December 10) every year to raise employees' awareness of human rights
III. Grievance mechanism
Astellas accepts all types of reports and consultations, including those related to human rights, not only from employees but also from outside the company.
Contact Us | Astellas Pharma Inc.
ESG Data | Astellas Pharma Inc.
IV. Engagement
In order to identify and address the human rights issues, Astellas believes that it is essential to update and collect the latest information on human rights issues, share that information among peer companies and learn from other companies’ best practices.
Astellas participates in external human rights working groups, such as the Global Compact Network Japan and BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) to liaise with companies, nonprofit organizations and non-governmental organizations effectively.
V. Response to the Modern Slavery Act
Under the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015, Astellas publishes a Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for each financial year, describing what steps we have taken to address the risk of slavery or human trafficking occurring in our operations and supply chains.
Astellas also publishes the Modern Slavery Act in the countries where we have business presence and a necessary the legal requirement to disclose. We will continue to address legal requirements and disclosures related to human rights in an appropriate manner.
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2023
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2022
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2021
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2020
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2019
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2018
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2017
For Financial Year ended 31 March 2016
Related Links
The Astellas Charter of Corporate Conduct
The Astellas Group Code of Conduct
Position on Human Rights