
Employee Composition Data

Astellas Pharma Inc.(Japan)Full-time employees3,9434,8674,806
Temporary staff460699692
Group companies in JapanFull-time employees1,005
Temporary staff213
Other Areas TotalFull-time employees9,5749,6179,948
 Established MarketsFull-time employees3,4543,3653,350
Greater ChinaFull-time employees1,1831,1291,035
International MarketsFull-time employees1,4451,4931,446
United StatesFull-time employees3,4923,6304,117
TotalFull-time employees14,52214,48414,754


Number of Employees per Region and Turnover Rate

Japan(Astellas Pharma inc.
・Group companies)
Number of employees4,9484,8674,806
Turnover rate*1*2   18.07%4.42%16.19%
Other Areas TotalNumber of employees9,5749,6179,948
Turnover rate15.65%14.50%15.98%
 Established MarketsNumber of employees3,4543,3653,350
Turnover rate14.10%13.88%22.00%
Greater ChinaNumber of employees1,1831,1291,035
Turnover rate*2   30.18%14.26%15.17%
International MarketsNumber of employees1,4451,4931,446
Turnover rate22.70%15.81%19.50%
United StatesNumber of employees3,4923,6304,117
Turnover rate9.34%14.52%10.03%
TotalNumber of employees14,52214,48414,754
Turnover rate16.51%11.09%16.05%

*1 The turnover rate in Japan excludes people retiring at the mandatory retirement age and employees moving outside of the Group due to transfer of Group businesses.
*2  Implemented early retirement incentive system.

Employee Ratio per Region and Ratio of Female Managers *1

Japan (Astellas Pharma Inc. ・Group companies)Male69.10%68.83%68.85%
Ratio of female managers17.20%17.63%19.00%
Other Areas TotalMale44.80%44.80%44.58%
Ratio of female managers53.50%54.02%54.73%
 Established MarketsMale46.20%46.72%46.21%
Ratio of female managers53.00%54.16%54.94%
Greater ChinaMale39.50%38.09%37.78%
Ratio of female managers59.50%61.31%62.89%
International MarketsMale44.30%43.17%43.26%
Ratio of female managers50.90%51.26%52.53%
United StatesMale45.40%45.79%45.43%
Ratio of female managers53.00%52.84%53.44%
Ratio of female managers43.90%42.76%44.14%

*1 Expatriate employees seconded within the Astellas corporate group are included in the headcount of their current location.
Expatriate employees seconded out of the Astellas corporate group are excluded from the headcount.


Occupational Health & Safety

Incidence of Work-Related Injuries independent limited assurance

Number of work-related injuries (leave of absence)101720
Frequency rate of work-related injuries*10.330.570.66
Severity rate of work-related injuries*20.0080.0160.005

*1 Frequency rate of work-related injuries: This rate shows the number of employee deaths or injuries resulting from work-related accidents causing leave of absence per million hours of work. The larger the number, the more frequently work-related injuries occur.
*2 Severity rate of work-related injuries: This rate shows the number of lost work days due to work-related injuries per thousand hours worked. The higher the number, the more serious the injury.


FDA Inspection

US FDA inspection history

The number of FDA Inspections001
Warning Letter Issued
Form 483 Issued1
Location of Form 483 IssuedYaizu


Product recalls

History of product recall

The number of recall101
Moderate(Class Ⅱ)00
Mild(Class Ⅲ)11
Non Classified00


Major Data in Japan

Average length of service (years) by gender (Japan consolidated basis.)


Astellas Pharma Inc.
Average Length of service (years)
Avarage age of employees (years)42.342.942.7



New graduates hires   
 Astellas Pharma Inc.Total6487101
Group companies in JapanTotal7
Mid-career hires   
 Astellas Pharma Inc.Total8610588
Group companies in JapanTotal10


Mid-career hire ratio of new hires (%)      (Publication date: Aug 20, 2024)
Astellas pharma Inc.57.354.7%46.6%
Group companies in Japan58.8


Ratio of female employees in new hires(%)*
Astellas pharma Inc.34.738.0%38.1%

*Japan consolidated basis

Ratio of people with disabilities employed (%)*
people with disabilities employed as a percentage of workforce2.49%2.78%2.73%

*Japan consolidated basis

Data related life event*

Life EventProgramFY2021FY2022FY2023
Life EventShort-Term Disability Leave283527
InjuryFamily Leave for a Child, Spouse or Parent419419538
Nursing care・Transfer of spouse Registration for ReemploymentNumber of reemployed-people : 7Number of reemployed-people : 7Number of reemployed-people : 5
MarriageProgram for Helping Sales Personnel Live with Their Spouse When They Get MarriedMale : 2Male : 2Male : 2
Female : 10Female : 10Female : 8
Pregnancy and childbirthMaternity Protection Leave453
Leave of Absence Before and After Childbirth958997
Child-raisingPaternity Leave96101111
Child Care Leave acquisition rate*1Female : 101%Female : 97%Female : 135%
Average days used : 399Average days used : 402Average days used : 408
Male : 76%Male : 96%Male : 93%
Average days used : 91Average days used : 62Average days used : 74
Time off for Infant Care14109
Shortened Work Hours for Childcare206387206
Average days used : 1185Average days used : 1224Average days used : 669
Use of the Company's Vehicles for Child RaisingMale : 22Male : 17Male : 28
Female : 57Female : 52Female : 75
Financial Assistance for Daycare100
Paid Leave for Employees Returning to Work After Leave of Absence Before and After Childbirth/Leave for Child Care241415
Nursing careNursing Care Holiday221822
Leave for Nursing Care024
Shortened Work Hours for Nursing Care343
Child care, nursing care, injury, otherWorking at HomeRegistered Employees for the Program : 6,014Registered Employees for the Program : 4,281Registered Employees for the Program : 4,662
RetirementExtended Employment SystemNewly Contracted Employees : 24Newly Contracted Employees : 29Newly Contracted Employees : 11
Social contribution activitiesVolunteer Leave/Leave of AbsenceVolunteer Leave : 3Volunteer Leave : 6Volunteer Leave : 6
Volunteer Leave of Absence : 0Volunteer Leave of Absence : 0Volunteer Leave of Absence : 0
Bone-Marrow Registration Leave104

*Japan consolidated basis
The number of users indicates those who used the system in each fiscal year. This figure excludes cases where the term of leave was not completed by the end of each fiscal year. In other words, it is limited to cases which ended within the fiscal year.
*1 The Child Care Leave acquisition rate of male employees includes Astellas’ original child care leave system.


Short-Term Disability LeaveThe Short-term disability leave of up to 30 business days shall be granted when an employee requires additional or continued hospitalization and/or recuperation at home after receiving medical treatment for one month or more. This leave shall commence immediately after one month.
Family Leave for a Child, Spouse or ParentEmployees may take leave to care for indisposed family members up to a prescribed number of days. For employees with one child, the prescribed number of days is five, 10 days for an employee with two or more children, and five days for a spouse and/or a parent. Leave may be taken in units of half days.
Registration for ReemploymentRegular employees who have to give up their jobs due to responsibilities involving child raising, nursing care for family members or the transfer of a spouse to a new work location can at the time of resignation register for reemployment due to changes in circumstances since leaving their jobs. These individuals will be given preference when hiring is necessary.
Program for Helping Sales Personnel Live with Their Spouse When They Get MarriedThis program allows sales personnel to be dispatched to areas that allow them to live with their spouse where the person that they inted to marry fulfills certain preconditions.
Maternity Protection LeaveUnits of leave from two weeks to three months can be taken when work is not possible due to pregnancy complicaation such as morning sickness, the danger of miscarriage, pregnancy induced hypertension, and premature delivery, or when leave is necessary for preventing these problem, or recovering from injury caused by still birth or miscarriage which took place before the fourth month of pregnancy. This leave may be taken multiple times, for each leave from two weeks to three months.
Leave of Absence Before and After ChildbirthEmployees may request for six weeks leave prior to childbirth (14 weeks in the case of multiple births). In principle, employee may not return to work for a period of eight weeks after childbirth.
Paternity LeaveAt the time a spouse is to give birth to a child, employees may take Paternity Leave up to five days as and when necessary. The total number of paternity leave days may be distributed over the period two weeks prior and up to eight weeks after childbirth.
Leave for Child CareEmployees are able to take leave until the child is three years old.
Time off for Infant CareFemale employees raising a child less than one year old may request for child raising time twice per day and 30 minutes for each time.
Shortened Work Hours for ChildcareEmployees may apply for shortened work hours. Options are available to shorten work hours by one or two hours (however, when combined with regulatory child-raising time, shortened work hours are limited to one hour).
Use of the Company's Vehicles for Child RaisingSales personnel may use the Company's vehicles to drop off and pick up children from daycare and other facilities.
Financial Assistance for DaycareFor employees seeking to return to work, financial assistance is provided to such employees if their children are not admitted to authorized nurseries. Financial assistance will be provided for costs of alternative daycare that exceed ¥80,000 per child (maximum amount: ¥160,000; term: six months). Financial assistance is also available to employees who have to move due to transfer.
Paid Leave for Employees Returning to Work After Leave of Absence Before and After Childbirth/Leave for Child CareA maximum of 10 days of annual paid leave is granted to employees returning to work after Leave of absence before and after childbirth/Leave for child care.
Nursing Care HolidayFor family members requiring nursing care, employees may take time off up to prescribed limits. In principle, leave of five days is given for care of one family member and 10 days for two or more family members (Leave may be taken in units of half days).
Leave for Nursing CareEmployees may take up to one year of leave to care for a family member requiring nursing care. As a complementary support program, employees may participate in interviews prior to taking leave, during leave and after returning to work or borrow PCs to obtain information from the Company.
Shortened Work Hours for Nursing CareEmployees caring for family mambers in need of nursing care can benefit from reduced working hours for the duration of the nursing care. Working hours may be shortened by 25% of monthly working hours with the options of reducations by one hour, two hours, half days and full days on a quarterly basis. Employees may use this program multiple times. They may also use this option together with flexible working hours.
Working at HomeUnder this program, the Company may permit employees to work at home for all or part of their scheduled working hours in consideration of each applicant's purpose, job content, quality, frequency of utilization of this program and desired period.
Extended Employment SystemEmployees aged 60 and over who have specialist skills and expertise will be allowed to continue working on a yearly contract basis.
Volunteer Leave/Leave of AbsenceIn support of the voluntary and proactive efforts of individual employees to contribute to society through volunteer activities, the Company's volunteer leave system allows for up to five days of leave to be taken each year. The volunteer leave of absence system can be used to take leave of absence of up to three years.
Bone-Marrow Registration LeaveThe bone-marrow registration leave program reflects the Company's respect for employees' wishes to donate bone marrow. The program allows employees to take special leave to register and donate.

Other Data

Home help assistanceEmployees who are members of Kyosaikai and who require the support of a home helper due to an injury to themselves and/or their spouses or other life event including childbirth may receive financial assistance from Kyosaikai to a maximum of ¥3,000 per day and ¥90,000 per year.Female employees prior to and after childbirth Male employees
Child-raising assistanceIn the event of unforeseen circumstances, employees requiring daycare, nursery or sitter services (including extended day care) may receive financial assistance to a maximum of ¥3,000 per day and ¥90,000 per year.Employees raising children up to third year of elementary school
Nursing care assistanceEmployees who are living with family members who require nursing care, who for unforeseen circumstances require the services of a nursing care facility or institution or a helper may receive financial assistance to a maximum of ¥3,000 per day and ¥90,000 per year.Employees with family members who require nursing care