Reporting coverage, methods, etc.

Corporate data

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Reporting Period

As a general rule, this Report covers the activities of business sites in Japan from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024, and the activities of overseas business sites from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. (Certain sections of this Report contain details of activities and initiatives both prior to and after these identified reporting periods.)

Reporting Coverage

This report covers the following companies, including head office functions, plants, research functions, and sales affiliates. Moreover, the report also covers the activities of Astellas subsidiaries that are included in these companies.

Japan ■ Astellas Pharma Inc.
US ■ Astellas US LLC
 ■ Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc
 ■ Astellas US Technologies, Inc
 ■ Astellas Research Institute of America LLC
 ■ Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine
 ■ Astellas Innovation Management LLC
 ■ Astellas Venture Management LLC
 ■ Mitobridge, Inc
 ■ Universal Cells, Inc
 ■ Xyphos Biosciences, Inc
 ■ Astellas Gene Therapies
 ■ Iota Biosciences, Inc
 ■ IVERIC bio. Inc.
 ■ Sales affiliate
Established Markets ■ Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd.
 ■ Astellas Pharma Europe B.V.
 ■ Astellas Ireland Co., Limited
 ■ Nanna Therapeutics Limited
 ■ Various sales affiliates
Greater China ■ Astellas China Investment Co., Ltd.
 ■ Astellas Pharma China, Inc
 ■ Various sales affiliates
International Markets ■ Astellas Pharma Singapore Pte. Ltd.
 ■ Various sales affiliates

Certain EHS data includes the results of activities of contractors because the environment and society is affected not only by the Company's own activities but also via the value chain.


Important Changes in Organization during the Reporting Period

Astellas has acquired IVERIC bio, Inc. (effective July 11, 2023) and Propella Therapeutics, Inc. (effective December 22, 2023). Propella Therapeutics, Inc. is not included in the calculations of this report.


Presentation of various quantitative data

Quantitative EHS performance data has been rounded to the figures shown. Accordingly, the data may not match with total amounts or ratios calculated using the figures shown.


Methods for Calculating Performance Data

Methods for Calculating Energy Consumption and GHGs

TypeConversion Coefficients
Calorific valueCOemissions
Electricity3.6 GJ/MWh --tons/MWh
Kerosene36.7 GJ/kiloliter2.49 tons/kiloliter
LPG50.8 GJ/ton3.00 tons/ton
LNG54.6 GJ/ton2.70 tons/ton
City gas45.0 GJ/thousand m³N2.24 tons/thousand m³N
Diesel oil37.7 GJ/kiloliter2.58 tons/kiloliter
Gasoline34.6 GJ/kiloliter2.32 tons/kiloliter
Purchased thermal energy1.36 GJ/GJ0.057 tons/GJ

Beginning with the disclosure of results for fiscal 2023, the amount of power associated with the use of electricity generated by the Company using purchased electricity and renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind) has been converted at a rate of 3.6 MJ per kWh. The amount of CO2 emissions attributed to the use of energy other than electricity is calculated based on the emission coefficient as provided for in the Act on the Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures prior to its revision in 2023. (Note: Steam used at the Company’s Shenyang Plant is converted using a unit calorific value of 2.8 GJ/ton and CO2 emissions of 0.091 t-CO2/GJ.)
* To calculate the CO2 emissions resulting from electricity usage, Astellas uses CO2 emission coefficients provided by the electric power companies that supply each business facility (market-based method). In the case of Japan, we use the most recent adjusted emission coefficient of each electric power company announced by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In other regions where individual coefficients cannot be obtained, we use the latest country-specific coefficients provided in IEA Emissions Factors (2023 edition) published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Calculation Method for Scope 3 Emissions

CategoriesCalculation method and activity data to applyData boundary and Reference for emission factor
1Purchased goods and services

Activity data: Purchase amount (millions of yen)

Calculation method:
Purchase monetary amount of raw material and manufacturing services (excluding consumption tax) x (emission factor of each raw material / manufacturing service x 1.05)


Target: Raw materials & manufacturing services purchased for commercial production (Global) 

Reference for emission factor:
・Source: The Ministry of the Environment's database*[5]; emission factors based on the industry-related table
Emission factor on monetary basis for each raw material (purchaser price basis) (=t-CO2 equivalent / 2005 consumption tax inclusive amount)
Foreign exchange: Foreign currencies are converted to yen using the annual average of monthly TTM rates.
2Capital goods

Activity data: Capital expenditures, software purchases (millions of yen)

Calculation method:
Facility investment amount (consolidated)* x (emission factor per price of capital goods x 1.05)

Software purchase amount (consolidated) x (emission factor per price of capital goods x 1.05)

* The amount reclassified from construction in progress to property, plant and equipment is the amount applied as the amount of activity. Acquisitions of land, right-of-use assets and intangible assets are excluded.

Target: Global

Reference for emission factor:
・The Ministry of the Environment's database*[6]; emission factors per price of capital goods (Secretariat)
Pharmaceuticals 2.83 t-CO2 equivalent / million yen
3Fuel and energy related activities (not included in Scope 1 and Scope 2)

Activity data: Consumption of each type of energy (GJ)

Usage amount of purchased fuel, electricity, heat x emission factors per usage amount for each energy type

Target: Global

Reference for emission factor:
・The Ministry of the Environment's database*[7]; emission factors per usage amount of electricity and heat (Secretariat)
・National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), LCI Database IDEA version 2.3
and distribution
During transportation

Ton・kilometer-based method
Activity data: Shipping weight & distance (ton・kilometer)

Calculation method:
・non-JP: transported weight x transported distance x emission factor (on ton・kilometer basis) 
・Japan: transported weight x transported distance x fuel consumption factor (on ton・kilometer basis) x emission factor per fuel volume

Distance-based method
Activity data: Shipping distance (kilometers)

Calculation method:
transported distance / kilometer factor (on fuel volume basis) x emission factor per fuel
Target: transportation of products and other goods at overseas (Global)

Reference for emission factor:
・ non-JP transportations: Calculation sheet published by Defra
(The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK): emission factor by transport vehicle, payload, and well-to-tank emission factor
・ Japan transportations (on ton・kilometer basis): The Ministry of the Environment's database*[2]; Fuel consumption factor per ton・kilometer transported by fuel by % loading by maximum loading capacity, CO2 emission per fuel volume, and well-to-tank emission factor
・ Japan transportations (on distance basis): The Ministry of the Environment's database*[2]; Fuel consumption factor per kilometer transported by fuel by maximum loading capacity, CO2 emission factor per fuel volume, and well-to-tank emission factor
During product storage at outsourced warehouses
Activity data: Electricity usage (MWh)

Calculation method: 
Electricity usage (MWh) x
emission factor
Target: Japan

Reference for emission factor:
・ The latest adjusted emission factors by power supplier
generated in
During waste transportation
Activity data: Shipping weight and distance (tons*kilometers)

Calculation method:
transported weight x transported distance x fuel consumption per unit of transportation
Target: Japan

Reference for emission factor:
・The Ministry of the Environment's database*[2]; Fuel consumption per ton*kilometer transported by loading rate by maximum loading capacity by fuel
During waste treatment

Calculation method:
Amounts of recycled industrial waste, incineration processing, and direct landfill processing x waster type/emission factor by processing method

Target: Japan

Reference for emission factor:
・The Ministry of the Environment’s database* [8] emission factors by waste type (Secretariat) (excluding waste transportation stage)

6Business travel (by airplane)Activity data: Distance traveled (person*kilometer)

Calculation method:
Number of persons using airplanes x distance between airports for each flight x emission factor
Target: Results compiled from airplane flights (Global)

Flight distance between airports: Calculated by assuming flight is a straight line connecting two points on the earth's surface

Reference for emission factor:
・Calculation sheet made public by Defra (The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK): emission factor by flight class and distance, and well-to-tank emission factor
7Employee commutingActivity data: Distance traveled (person*kilometer)

Calculation method:
Number of persons commuting to a worksite x number of workdays, taking into account the typical attendance rate x emission factor

Target: Direct employees(Global)

Attendance rate
Office-based: calculated based on the attendance rate at the Head Office in Japan; factories and laboratories: calculated at 100%.

Reference for emission factor:
・The Ministry of the Environment's database*[14]; Employed persons by monthly days of work  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), LCI Database IDEA version 2.3

9Transportation and distribution (downstream)Activity data: Revenue (on local currency basis)

Calculation method: 
Revenue x emission intensity per wholesaler's Cost of Goods Sold 

Target: Japan, USA, UK

Source of emission intensity: calculated from wholesalers' Scope 1+2 GHG emission and Cost of Goods Sold on local currency basis

12End-of-life treatment of sold productsActivity data: Weight of containers and packaging (Tons)

Calculation method:
Usage volume of sold products when end-of-life treatment is approached in line with the laws on recycling containers and packaging x emission factor
Target: Japan 
Reference for emission factor:
・Source: The Ministry of the Environment's database*[9]; emission factors by waste type (Secretariat) (including waste transportation stage)
13Downstream Leased AssetsActivity data: Energy consumption by type

Calculation method:
Amount of fuel, electricity, heat billed to the leasing company x emission factor per unit of energy consumption by energy type
Target: Company facilities being leased to another company
Reference for emission factor:
Source:  factors shown in “Methods for Calculating Energy Consumption and GHGs”

* The Ministry of the Environment’s database: The Ministry of the Environment’s emission source unit database (ver. 3.4) for calculating greenhouse gas emissions through the supply chain (March 2024) 

Certain EHS data includes the results of activities of contractors because the environment and society are affected not only by the Company's own activities but also via the value chain.