Sustainability Direction Performance Indicators (SDPIs)

Astellas believes that our innovations will play a part in improving the sustainability of society. This will build trust from society, which will, in turn, also make Astellas more sustainable.
Expectations for companies that contribute to improving the sustainability of society are increasing. Astellas believes that it is important to meet the expectations from society and will disclose the performance and progress of its sustainability activities appropriately.
We have set the Med-term Priorities for Astellas, Initiatives, and Our Commitments by FY2025 as for the two pillars relating to the 9 material issues and Environmental Sustainability issues in our Sustainability Direction. Based on our commitments, we continue to steadily promote our Sustainability Direction by setting Sustainability Directions Performance Indicators(SDPIs) and disclosing measurable and appropriate tangible actions.

- In principle, the scope of coverage is global, and performance for the period indicated is disclosed
- Information about pharmaceutical products(including products currently in development) which is included in this SDPIs report is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice


1. Creation of new therapies and modalities for the treatment of diseases with high unmet medical needs

Providing solutions that produce better outcomes improves the lives of patients and caregivers around the world and contributes to reducing the overall load on the healthcare system.

Number of projects with PoC*1projects0
Number of IND*2 filed new drug candidatesprojects4
Number of new drugs launched5
Number of projects having any of Breakthrough Therapy*3, Fast Track*4, PRIME*5, Priority Review*6 and SAKIGAKE Designation System*7cases3
Number of new Rx+ programsprograms1

*1 PoC: Proof of Concept/To Confirm efficacy with key clinical data to decide progression to late-stage development
*2 IND: Investigational New Drug
*3 Breakthrough Therapy: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) program to facilitate the development and review of drugs for serious or life-threatening diseases.
*4 Fast Track: A system of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that provides priority review of new drugs with high therapeutic potential for diseases for which a cure is difficult to achieve.
*5 PRIME: Priority Medicines / a system implemented by European Medicines Agency (EMA) to strengthen support for the development of medicines for unmet medical needs.
*6 Priority Review: A system to give priority to medicinal products that meet certain requirements, in addition to medicinal products designated as orphan medicinal products.
*7 SAKIGAKE Designation System: Japanese system to facilitate the domestic development of innovative medicines for life-threatening diseases for which there is no effective treatment, to ensure the early commercialization of such medicines in Japan, ahead of the rest of the world.


2. Maximize patient access to Astellas’ innovations and enable them to achieve better outcomes

Access to Health is one of the material issues for both society and Astellas. We provide the access to our products for as many patients as possible, and impact more than 36 million people (cumulatively) by 2025 by improving disease awareness, prevention, and access to healthcare services.

Core Business(Rx, Rx+)  
Number of patients treated with Astellas products*8patients159.5 million+
(Cumulative total since 1994)
Number of countries to where Astellas products have been deliveredcountries103
Number of commercialization of Rx+ programsprograms0
Enhancing the availability of Astellas products  
Number of patients treated through various access programs*9patients2,055+
Number of countries with various access programscountries61+
Provide patients in countries where Astellas products are not sold with access to Astellas products with a partnerpatients0
Supporting third-party Access to Health programs  
Lives impacted through access to healthcare programs by Astellas
(Cumulative total since FY2021)
(As of March 2024)
Lives impacted through access to healthcare programs by the Astellas Global Health Foundation (AGHF)people31.4 million
(Cumulative total since 2018)
Total funding provided by the Astellas Global Health Foundation (AGHF)million
(Cumulative total since 2018)
Number of research and development activities to address access to health care issues that collaborate with partnersactivities4

*8 Harnal, VESIcare, Myrbetriq(mirabegron), Prograf, XTANDI,XOSPATA, Evrenzo, PADCEV
*9 For details, please visit the following website:
Access to Medicines | Astellas Pharma Inc.


3. Contribute to maintaining a sustainable healthcare system through advocating value-based pricing

Advocate for value-based pricing to maintain a sustainable healthcare system.

Value-based pricing (VBP)   <Global>  
Number of implementations of value-based innovative pricing solutions to address value, affordability or accesscases5
Number of countries where Astellas product is launched with value-based innovative pricing solutions (Cumulative)countries2
Number of product/brand employing value-based innovative pricing solutions2
Value-based pricing (VBP)  <Japan only>  
Number of lectures at study groups and events through KEIDANREN*10 activities that include VBP contentcases3
Number of advocacy activity for general public including VBP contentcases8

*10 KEIDANREN: Japan Business Federation


4. Creating an environment of talent and organizational culture that promotes innovation

Ensure talents with trusted capabilities to deliver innovation and create an organizational culture that fosters innovation.

Number of media reports after Sustainability eventscases8
Percentage of organizations with six hierarchical levels or less from the CEO%83
Average span of control for all departments*115.9
Employee utilization rate of internal recognition program%87
Percentage of employees recognized through internal recognition program%76
Employee satisfaction rate of internal recognition program%Measured in the future
Engagement score71

 *11 Span of Control: Number of subordinates managed by one manager


5. Establishment of a more sustainable and resilient value chain

Ensuring the reliable production and supply of safe and effective products even in the case of unpredictable or emergency situations is extremely important. Building a more sustainable and flexible value chain by proactively preparing the manufacturing supply chain, and energy procurement.

Supply chain management  
Proportion of electricity derived from renewable energy sources over total electricity consumption%40
Progress of the emergency power supply reinforcement projectImplementing or considering installing backup emergency power supply at manufacturing and research sites in Japan
Progress rate of seismic retrofitting work in manufacturing sites of earthquake-prone areas%100
Key remarkable finding related to stable supplyContinued variable activities to strengthen partnerships with suppliers
Progress for alternative sourcing preparation in terms of geopolitical issues
  • Completed risk assessments of historical key products and ready-to-use alternative resources except for a couple of products
  • Completed identification of alternative resources for a couple of products undergoing risk assessments
  • Initiated risk assessment for a new key product, Izervay
Sustainable Procurement  
Progress of uniform administration across all affiliates for the TPLM*12 programCompleted adoption of globalized TPLM process for all affiliates and manufacturing locations
Status of embedding the Business Partner Code of Conduct (BPCOC) into supplier engagement activities
  • Posted the BPCOC on the corporate website
  • Included the BPCOC as one of the pillars of Astellas' Sustainable Procurement Pledge
  • Referenced the BPCOC within our contract and Purchase Order terms & conditions
Status of annual spending with small and diverse suppliers in order to expand the footprint to non-US regions
  • 2024 US Small Business Plan was accepted by the Veterans Affairs targeting nearly $130MM USD in Small Business in the US
  • Secured access to SME database to reconcile against existing suppliers, as well as identify potential small and medium-sized enterprises to leverage globally
Progress of interweaving the Sustainable Procurement Pledge into the Astellas culture
  • Posted Astellas' Sustainable Procurement Pledge on the corporate website
  • Included Astellas' Sustainable Procurement Pledge as part of internal training of Astellas Global Procurement and Vendor Management
Progress of factoring sustainability criteria into decision-making process when awarding business to a supplier
  • Drafted an ESG Request for Proposal Question Set & Guidance
  • Embedded sustainability criteria within Procurement's official toolkit for use in competitive bid environments
Progress of incorporating sustainability into the SRM*13 governance model for our Strategic and Preferred suppliers
  • Preparing to launch new Decarbonization as a Service (DaaS) module within our existing SRM platform
  • Wave 1 to include key suppliers (Strategic & Preferred) 

*12 TPLM: Third Party Lifecycle Management
*13 SRM: Supplier Relationship Management


6. Further improve product quality

Ensure product quality assurance and safety for patients by fostering a "Culture of Quality" and enhancing the customer experience.

Product Quality Assurance 
Culture of Quality awareness material shared through various internal communications channelsDelivered messages by top and senior management including CEO, about the importance of quality
Completed Culture of Quality scorecard for commercial manufacturing facilitiesCompleted Culture of Quality scorecard assessment for commercial manufacturing facilities (Takaoka, Toyama, Takahagi, Yaizu, Dublin, Kerry, Shenyang) and identified target challenges to focus on for FY24
Lean Six Sigma*14 materials and tools shared across communication platforms
  • Lean Six Sigma Community of Practice has grown to 970 members from 48 countries
  • Approximately 100 Astellas employees obtained Lean Six Sigma certification
  • Nine live sessions were conducted for employees to share real-life examples of continuous improvement in quality and efficiency

*14 Lean Six Sigma: Lean Six Sigma Program is a pillar of the Culture of Quality Program and a leadership approach to maximize efficiency, create whitespace(resources needed to explore new ideas) and reduce cost within Astellas


7. Achievement of the amount of reasonable reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Astellas has set GHG emission targets consistent with The Paris Agreement and has received the SBT*15 certification. Aim to achieve by FY2025 the amount of reasonable reduction of GHG emissions target.
[GHG emission reduction targets by FY2030]*16
63% reduction (base year: FY2015)
・Scope 3
37.5% reduction (base year: FY2015)

GHG emission reduction ratio (Scope1+2)%39.8
GHG emission reduction ratio (Scope3)%1.8*17
Energy consumptionTJ2,005
Percentage of electricity derived from renewable energy sources%40
Water resource productivitybillions of yen/1,000 m30.25
Waste generated per unit of revenueTons/billions of yen8.1
Biodiversity index4.9
Percentage of low emission vehicles in sales fleet%59
Number of CMOs*18 to be assessed via TPLM programcases25

*15 For details, please visit the following website:
Astellas Receives SBTi Approval for Revised Science-Based Climate Goals to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
*16 For details, please visit the following website:
Environment Initiatives | Astellas Pharma Inc.
ESG Data | Astellas Pharma Inc.
*17 Performance of FY2022
*18 CMO: Contracted Manufacturing Organizations