Please contact us if you would like access to Modern Slavery Act statements from previous years.

1. Introduction / Background

This statement is made by Astellas Pharma Inc., Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. and Astellas Pharma Ltd. (collectively referred to as “Astellas” in this statement). It is a statement made in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and covers the financial year from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. It also includes work undertaken in the period from 1 April 2024.

Astellas is dedicated to improving the health of people around the world through the provision of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products.

2. Our Business, Organisational Structure and Supply Chain

Astellas Pharma Inc. is the ultimate holding company of the Astellas group, incorporated in Japan and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd., incorporated in England & Wales, is Regional headquarters for Astellas EMEA operations. Astellas Pharma Ltd., incorporated in England & Wales, is the sales and marketing affiliate for the UK.

Astellas’ supply chain is comprised of (i) suppliers of direct materials (manufactured and packaged active pharmaceutical ingredients, drug products and related materials), (ii) suppliers of indirect goods and services (information technology, professional services, sales and marketing agencies and facilities), and (iii) suppliers of research and clinical goods and services (pre-clinical and / or clinical research organisations and laboratories).

To find out more about what we do and our values, please go to:

Astellas Pharma Inc. is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact which demonstrates our existing voluntary support for achieving sustainable growth, including our respect for internationally proclaimed human rights and our desire to ensure that we are not complicit in human rights abuses. In June 2024, Astellas Pharma Inc. was included in the FTSE4Good Sustainability Index for the thirteenth consecutive year which includes human rights and labor standards as part of its selection criteria.

We know that slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor and human trafficking (collectively referred to as “Modern Slavery” in this statement) is a global and increasing challenge for governments and business.

3. Our Existing Policies on Slavery and Human Trafficking

As a business we recognise our responsibility to respect human rights and manage the risk of Modern Slavery within our own organisation and supply chain. We have, therefore, set the following positions:

  • The Astellas Group Code of Conduct states our commitment against forced labor and, in the selection of business partners, their commitment to human rights and labor standards.
  • The Astellas Position on Human Rights, which emphasizes and expands on our commitment to human rights and high labor standards, has been disclosed since April 2017 and updated in November 2022. This is a commitment that supports embedding respect for human rights throughout the Astellas group.
  • Astellas’ Materiality Matrix has identified ‘Responsible supply chain management’ which includes human rights in labor in its definition as one of the ‘Most Important’ material issues in a scale of ‘Important’, ‘Very Important’, ‘Most Important’.
  • The Astellas Business Partner Code of Conduct references the human rights of workers and specifically provides that business partners shall not use forced, bonded or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor or child labor.
  • Astellas also has a speak up culture. Astellas personnel are required to promptly report any known or suspected violation of the Astellas Group Code of Conduct or other illegal or unethical behavior or business practice. Therefore, if there are any concerns relating to Modern Slavery these can be raised in confidence without fear of retaliation directly to a manager or through independent third party and internal whistleblowing hotlines.

4. Risk Assessment and Due Diligence Processes

Reflecting the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), our activities to combat Modern Slavery, described below, are risk based and will continue to correspond with the level of risk identified. We have undertaken or begun the following risk assessment and due diligence processes in our business and supply chains during the period:

  • Astellas has implemented a Third Party Lifecycle Management (TPLM) program. The TPLM program assesses our business partners against established requirements covering several global risk domains (including human / labor rights) to ensure compliance. Astellas seeks to actively and appropriately manage risk throughout the lifecycle of a third party relationship. This program is overseen by Astellas departments responsible for risk domain(s) that are properly aligned to their expertise.
  • As part of the TPLM program, Astellas conducts questionnaire surveys with both Astellas personnel who engage business partners as well as business partners in our supply chain, while assigning subject matter experts to review those responses prior to entering into an agreement. Astellas seeks to continuously measure, mitigate and monitor business partners’ inherent risk.
  • In the year ended 31 March 2024 there were no significant human rights issues reported through whistleblowing hotlines.

5. Measuring Effectiveness – Performance Indicators

In order to monitor the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to seek to prevent Modern Slavery taking place in our business and supply chains we will continue to:

  • Review the responses to the questionnaires received from business partners;
  • Monitor Modern Slavery concerns raised with whistleblowing hotlines;
  • Develop a corrective and preventative action plan, including auditing, where we assess that there may be a heightened risk of Modern Slavery at specific business partners.

During the year under review performance indicators did not identify any heightened risk of Modern Slavery.

6. Training

In order to raise awareness about the risks of Modern Slavery within our own organisation and supply chain and to ensure that employees understand company policies and commitments, we have taken the following steps:

  • Astellas provides an e-learning and/or live trainings to introduce the Astellas Group Code of Conduct which states among other things our commitment to respecting human rights including the prohibition of child labor and forced labor. Non-executive outside directors and Astellas employees, full / part time directors, and officers worldwide are required to take this training.
  • Astellas provides business partners with the Astellas Business Partner Code of Conduct.
  • A message from the Head of Sustainability was sent to all Astellas group employees to remind them of the importance of Astellas’ engagement in human rights issues in December 2023.

This statement was approved by the board of directors of Astellas Pharma Inc. on 1 August 2024 and by the boards of directors of Astellas Pharma Ltd. and Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. on 23 July and 30 July respectively. Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. and Astellas Pharma Ltd. have delegated signing of the statement to Astellas Pharma Inc.


Naoki Okamura
Representative Director, President and CEO, Chairman of the Board
Astellas Pharma Inc.
8 August 2024


Astellas Pharma Inc. a corporation established under the laws of Japan, with its seat in Tokyo, Japan, registered with the Houmukyoku (Legal Affairs Bureau of Japan) under registration number 010001034966.
Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. Registered in England and Wales number 02486792 with registered office at 300 Dashwood Lang Road, Bourne Business Park, Addlestone, KT15 2NX United Kingdom.
Astellas Pharma Ltd. Registered in England and Wales number 00787610 with registered office at 300 Dashwood Lang Road, Bourne Business Park, Addlestone, KT15 2NX, United Kingdom.


MAT-GB-NON-2024-00536 September 2024