Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change, to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. Before any new treatment can be approved for use by patients, it must go through clinical trials to see if it works and is safe for people with specific conditions. 

To learn more about Astellas clinical trials, what they are and what it means to participate in a clinical trial, please visit Astellas Clinical Trials.

Astellas is committed to public disclosure of clinical trial information and data transparency for Astellas-sponsored clinical trials.  

If you are interested in viewing results of an Astellas clinical trial, visit Trial Results Summaries and search for Astellas clinical trial results.

Astellas’ Commitment to PhRMA Principles on Conduct of Clinical Trials and Communication of Clinical Trial Results 

Astellas strives to provide innovative, lifesaving treatments to all communities, including underserved and under-represented populations. As part of our broad commitment to advancing health equity, we are working to ensure our clinical trials represent the patient populations who are intended to use our medicines.

Consistent with these values – and recognizing that increasing diversity in clinical trials is critical to improving health equity – Astellas supports the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America’s (PhRMA) principles on enhancing diversity in clinical trial participation, part of the industry’s overarching Principles on Conduct of Clinical Trials and Communications of Clinical Trial Results.

The PhRMA diversity in clinical trial principles outline a series of commitments for participating biopharmaceutical companies, including:

  • Enhancing education throughout the medical community
  • Increasing clinical trial awareness and diversity by improving individual health literacy and community outreach
  • Adopting enrollment practices that enhance inclusiveness and make trial participation less burdensome for participants
  • Considering the needs of diverse populations in clinical trial design
  • Broadening eligibility criteria to increase diversity in enrollment when scientifically and clinically appropriate
  • Using real-world data to enhance information on diverse populations

Astellas will establish additional processes and procedures that align with the PhRMA diversity in clinical trial principles. Our underlying goal is for our clinical trials to reflect the unique patient populations who may benefit from the medicines we develop.