Recently Indonesia just celebrated the 74th year of Independence Day. To commemorate the day, Astellas Pharma Indonesia held an Employee Gathering Event with the theme 'Semarak Kemerdekaan'.
This event was held on Friday, 16 August 2019 in Head Office AIN and joined by Head Office and Sales Jakarta employee. Indonesia's national anthem 'Indonesia Raya' marked the starts of the agenda, continued by typical 17 August competitions.
Arm wrestling, marbles, and Astellas quiz competition were organized to improve employee's competition spirit while having fun. All participants looked enthusiastic and excited during the event. The celebration was ended by reward distribution and tumpeng ceremony with President Director AIN, Mr. Jude Alexander.
In his speech, Mr. Jude mentioned that independence could be interpreted as a change for the better. Therefore, we must be ready to adapt to change. Preparing Astellas Pharma Indonesia to be more successful certainly requires the agility of all employees in anticipating the changing times.
Can we? Of course, we can!
Astellas Higher Faster Stronger!