Astellas is committed to providing ongoing high-quality medical education opportunities that help ensure appropriate clinical use of our products, fulfill educational needs/gaps and, ultimately, improve patient care.

Astellas shares new scientific data and disease information in a variety of formats that support the critical role of healthcare professionals in improving patient care, including:

  • Grants for Education, also known as Independent Medical Education (IME)
  • Symposia, webinars, e-learnings and web-based education (disease, treatment or product focused); examples include satellite symposia during a congress, speaker programs and product theatres
  • Congress summaries
  • Sponsorship of educational conferences
  • Preceptorships
  • Grants to healthcare organizations (HCOs) to support healthcare professional congress attendance and, in some cases, specialist training events.

Astellas provides direct funding to individual healthcare professionals (HCPs) to attend congresses and conferences, and will consider funding requests from HCPs, where individual HCP funding to support congress attendance is permitted by Code, Regulations and Law, and where Astellas eligibility criteria are met.
For specific information, list of congresses, eligibility requirements, and how to apply please go to
