Astellas is committed to providing ongoing high-quality medical education opportunities that help ensure appropriate clinical use of our products, fulfill educational needs/gaps and, ultimately, improve patient care.
Astellas will continue to share new scientific data and disease information in a variety of formats that support the critical role of healthcare professionals in improving patient care, including:
- Grants for Education, also known as Independent Medical Education (IME)
- Symposia, webinars, e-learnings and web-based education (disease, treatment or product focused); examples include satellite symposia during a congress, speaker programs and product theatres
- Congress summaries
- Sponsorship of educational conferences
- Preceptorships
- Grants to healthcare organizations (HCOs) to support healthcare professional congress attendance
Grants to HCOs to Support HCP Congress Attendance
HCOs may apply for funding grants to support HCP registration at pre-identified, eligible congresses. HCOs must submit a grant funding application form and be able to independently manage the entire process without any hands-on support. A maximum of 10 HCPs can be funded through the grant request, and Astellas must have no involvement in the selection of the HCPs to receive support to register for congress. The HCO must be one of the following:
- Government or public-funded hospital
- Private hospital
- Medical society or association
- Other (university, research group, etc.)
An HCO is only eligible to receive grants for HCP congress registration two times per fiscal year (April to March) per therapeutic area Astellas supports. A list of pre-approved congresses and whether live or virtual registration will be supported for the event can be viewed here.
HCOs wishing to apply for grant funding to support HCP congress registration should complete this form and return it to [email protected]. After an initial review of your submission to ensure HCO and event eligibility, your request will be forwarded to an internal Astellas Grants Committee for consideration. We anticipate that decisions on eligible requests may take up to six weeks. If you wish to check on the status of your request, please contact [email protected].