
We are committed to protecting life and the natural world in all its glory.

Astellas has embraced the sustainable enhancement of enterprise value as its corporate mission. To fulfill this mission, Astellas seeks to be a chosen and trusted enterprise by all stakeholders, including patients, shareholders, employees, and the global community. The Astellas Charter of Corporate Conduct contains the following principles on Environment, Health and Safety (EHS): “We shall respect our employees’ human rights, individuality, and differences, promote diversity in the workplace, and provide a safe and rewarding work environment,” and “Recognizing that harmony between the global environment and our business activities is a prerequisite to our corporate existence, we shall take proactive measures to conserve the global environment.” These principles require employees to conduct themselves based on high ethical standards in EHS fields, among other areas. In the pages of the environment and employees (occupational health and safety), Astellas will disclose information on its measures to sustainably enhance enterprise value through EHS.

* For details, please visit the following website:
