The 4th of February is World Cancer Day and Astellas is once again partnering with the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to become a Visionary Partner in supporting World Cancer Day and to raise awareness and encourage people around the world to act against cancer. This year marks the 21st anniversary of World Cancer Day and the last year of the UICC’s three-year “I Am and I Will” campaign, which urges people worldwide to make a personal commitment to show how our collective actions have an impact on everyone around us, within our communities and cities.
We are proud of this collaboration and as part of this, Astellas encourages everyone to support World Cancer Day and the “I Am and I Will” campaign.
In UICC’s World Cancer Day 21 Days to Impact Challenge, you are able to select from one of five challenges, including focusing on your health or supporting someone with cancer.
Together, our commitment to act will lead to powerful progress in reducing the global impact of cancer.
Follow Astellas Europe LinkedIn and Twitter pages, on February 4, and follow the hashtags #IAmAndIWill and #WorldCancerDay