Japan, May 13, 2009 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (Headquarters: Tokyo; President and CEO: Masafumi Nogimori, hereinafter called “the Company”) today announced that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held today, a resolution was adopted that the Company will cancel its treasury stock, pursuant to Article 178 of the Japanese Corporate Law.
1. Class of shares to be cancelled: Common stock of the Company
2. Number of shares to be cancelled: 28 million shares (Representing 5.56% of issued shares prior to cancellation)
3. Cancellation date: June 23, 2009
The cancellation stated above will be subject to the approval for the reversal of general reserve, which will be included in the proposal of the appropriation of surplus, at the Company’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on June 23, 2009.
1. Following cancellation, the Company will have 475,964,635 issued shares.
2. Total number of the Company’s treasury stock after cancellation will be 5,948,017.
(Estimated numbers of shares described above 1 and 2 were calculated on the basis of the issued shares and the Company’s treasury stock as of March 31, 2009, respectively.)